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Extra large Make someones day with a bright beautiful bouquet florist choice

Extra large Make someones day with a bright beautiful bouquet florist choice


A stunning bright bouquet of seasonal flowers beautifull wrapped and presented,  A generaous size and will totally make someones day

  • Information required for your order

    IMPORTANT Please type answers to the below questions, if applicable, into the option box. Thank you

    1. The colour you want if you have a preference

    2. The name and address of the person receiving the flowers

    3. The message you would like written on your card

    4. Any additional information, your details will be asked for at checkout

    5. The date delivery required

    NB All local deliveries are $10 unless stated free delivery

    Deliveries are made daily before midday and before 6pm, please specify AM or PM we cannot deliver at a specific time, only am or pm

    Deliveries are made daily before midday and before 6pm, please specify AM or PM we cannot deliver at a specific time, only am or pm

06-825 6123

99 Taonui Street, Palmerston North 4410

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